My Car Birth Story

I had meticulously prepared myself, both mentally and physically, for the water birth I had dreamed of. My midwife would tell you I was an over-achiever.

The first contraction jolted me awake, filling me with doubt about my ability to endure the upcoming, more intense contractions that typically accompany a several hour labor.

We sped towards the birth center with me in my Jeep’s trunk, which was my attempt for more space in hopes I could find a position that could offer some relief on the way there. I see my one-year-old son dressed in his pajamas looking back at me from his rear-facing car seat, unaware of the chaos unfolding around us.

Suddenly, I found myself on all fours, on a patch of grass at a gas station surrounded by curious onlookers. Through my tears, I see Drew handing Jesse to my parents, who had swiftly come to meet us halfway after receiving the urgent call of our change of plans and the need to take Jesse into their care immediately.

In an instant, I was back in the confines of my car's trunk. As my water broke, a surge of panic washed over me. Over the sound of my own screams, I heard my midwife's voice on speaker phone calmly telling me that I may need to catch my own baby and assuring me that I could do it, with her guidance. In disbelief, I refused to accept the reality of the situation. But then, while still on the highway, I felt the unmistakable sensation of my baby's head crowning.

All of my preparation, the carefully practiced breathing techniques, and the planned labor positions seemed to vanish into thin air, slipping away like the wind through the open windows in my car. I pleaded with God for more time, strength, and protection as the pain intensified with each passing second.

Next thing I know, flashlights from my midwife and doula pierced through the darkness. As my eyes adjusted, I could make out the open trunk and the reassuring presence of my husband by my side. We were in the parking lot of the birth center. And then, she was here.

As I laid there in a state of shock with my baby cradled in my arms listening to her cries, all I could think to do was inquire about her well-being. The response was always the same - she was healthy, she was perfect.

The journey was far from over, though. I faced a severe postpartum hemorrhage as a result of the precipitous birth. The road to recovery was long and non-linear but I continued to cling to those words: my baby “was healthy, she was perfect.”

Despite the fear and uncertainty, I had brought new life into the world. And in that triumph, I discovered a strength within myself that I never knew existed, something that could only be described as supernatural strength from God.

Since that day, I’ve cherished every moment with Lilah, we’ve never been apart 3.5 months later. I know we share an unbreakable bond + a unique story that will forever be etched in our hearts.

Sincerely, Summer


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