My Food Philosophy

Let your food be Healthy + Happy + Heavenly.

Food is art. Good art is supposed to stimulate your senses in some way after all, right?

Cooking is love. Happy cooks are always the best cooks.

Before trying to figure out WHAT to eat, figure out HOW to eat.

Make food your friend.

Approach every meal with gratitude.

Bring awareness & mindfulness to the table.

Be present with food. Eat slow. put down the fork.

Savor each bite, chew completely, taste the sensations.

Breathe between bites.

Share meals with loved ones.

Find YOUR balance. No guilt, just love & acceptance.

Eat the foods you love that just so happen to be good for you.

Let your body be the guide.

Everything we eat, breathe, think or do has the ability to build or break our health.

Diet is not one size fits all. one person's food can be ahother's poison. Embrace bioindividuality.

Eat real food & freaking enjoy it!

Eat fresh produce, lots of it. Aim for loads of color.

Make greens your best friend. This means making it a priority to sneak them in if they aren’t currently your best friend.

Eat local, organic, seasonally & non- GMO wherever possible.

Invite in Fiber, Fat, and Protein daily.

Experiment with food. Find out what your body likes and dislikes at this time, understanding it will change throughout life.

Eat animals by choosing wisely & with compassion.

Forget the nutrition panel, check the ingredients. If you cant read it, don’t eat it.

It's all about quality. Aim for the best quality version of the food you want to eat.

Eat carefully, not obsessively. It's about being sane around food.

Calories don't count. Remove the math equation From the plate.

The diet industry is a business; choosing to nourish. yourself is a lifestyle.

Eat sustainably.

Cook your own food, often- Let the processing happen in your Kitchen, not a factory.

Eating real food will help you experience vibrancy to better serve the world.

Say yes to revolutionizing the way you relate to food, body, and health.

Remember the role of food is to nourish your body.

Take ownership of your life. Start with eating well.

Love your body and let your body love you back.

Say goodbye to nutritional confusion.

Say hello to a beautiful relationship with food.




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